All actions follow our _Rule of CLOSE_ to achieve excitement.
Agroecological Assessments, Permagardens for Family Nutrition, High-Yield Regenerative Agriculture for Climate Mitigation and Ecosystem Resilience, Extension Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation,
and on-going Guidance and Support across the Globe.
Our Motto:
“We arrive with people’s lives in pieces all around;
we depart with people’s lives in peace upon the ground.”
What We Do:
We Provide Hands-On, Climate-Smart, Landscape Adaptation, Mitigation and Food Security
Training and Outreach Support to the Marginalized and Vulnerable Families of the World
How We Do It:
By collaborating with International Non-Governmental Organizations, Companies and Foundations
and their locally-organized community projects and groups across the globe as they tackle their
site-specific Sustainable Nutrition, Environment, Public Health and Livelihood challenges.
This is Terra Firma:
The Terra Firma Method is a team taught, Interculturally-Sound, Evidence-Based,
Agroecological, Decision-Making Process. Through this 5-step method, we guide the learner and family towards the creation of their own climate-adaptive, weather-mitigating, nutrition-focused organic home garden which can guide the transition towards larger-scale, regenerative farming systems that are environmentally-sound, economically-viable and socially-acceptable.
A small-scale, high-yield, home-based Terra Firma Permagarden will provide
easily seen ecological lessons for the farm, forest, watershed, school and clinic
as well as home while also providing daily access to nutrient-dense food for the family kitchen.
Every training action follows the Terra Firma ‘Rule of CLOSE’ whereby positive attitude is achieved through techniques that are close, local, organic, small and easy. It is only if every aspect is present that the vital "yes I can" attitude be achieved. From this foundation, adoption across whole communities is possible through the develoopment of community-lead networks of supportive
Terra Firma gardeners, cooks, teachers and farmers of all ages and genders.